We are happy to announce that the last days are left before the introduction of the reservation and the changes in the economy that are coming after that!
This will make the economy healthier in the long term. We expect that in the short term it may be lower than expected, but in the long term, when demand grows, it will have a positive impact on the economy and prices.
You can read about new changes in resources, gems and BAM mining in the bamboopaper in adventures section: https://nft-panda.gitbook.io/nft-panda/bamboo-paper/gameplay/adventures
In addition, we have received many suggestions to change the leaderboard and we have also been thinking about this for a long time and want to accept some suggestions from the community. To reduce the number of created weapons and other items and to reduce the pressure on the economy of items.
We have considered different options and have come up with solutions, which we are putting to a vote.
Option 1: Due to the fact that the number of players decreased compared to the start of the game and because of the bear cycle in the market is proposed to reduce the number of winners in the leaderboard to 25 and rebalance prizes: Reducing the rarity of items and increase various vouchers. In addition, further mix it with potions, which are in development.
Option 2: Leave the number of winners at 50, but reduce the rarity of the given items.